What is a normal four-hour postprandial blood glucose level?

The normal value of four-hour postprandial blood glucose should be close to fasting blood glucose, generally 3.9-6.0mmol/L is normal. However, it is an indicator of random blood glucose. Clinically, fasting blood glucose and two-hour postprandial blood glucose are mostly used as indicators to determine the blood glucose situation. The change of blood glucose level in human body is regular. Generally half an hour to one hour after the meal, blood glucose began to rise, about one hour the body’s blood glucose concentration reached its peak, two hours after the meal, blood glucose gradually decline, after eating three or four hours after the blood glucose basically fell to the fasting level. Because four hours after the meal has basically reached the body’s fasting state, the normal value of fasting blood glucose can be used as a reference. The normal value of fasting blood glucose ranges from 3.9 to 6.0 mmol/L, 6.1 to 6.9 mmol/L for impaired fasting blood glucose regulation, ≥ 7.0 mmol/L at the same time when diabetic symptoms can be diagnosed as diabetes. For diabetic patients, the goal of glycemic control is generally fasting blood glucose 4.4mmol/L to 7.0mmol/L, non-fasting blood glucose does not exceed 10.0mmol/L. Ask your doctor for more information.

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