What’s with the white spots in the stomach?

White spots in the stomach may be caused by improper diet, chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer and other pathological changes in the cells. 1. Improper diet: frequent consumption of cold, spicy and stimulating foods and high-fat and high-protein foods that are not easily digested, overeating and other factors can lead to damage to the gastric mucosa and the appearance of white spots. 2. Chronic gastritis, due to chronic inflammation of the stomach, long-term repeated stimulation will lead to further cell changes, hyperplasia and other pathological changes, manifested as white spots, can be biopsied, can be inflammatory polyps with epithelial infiltration and metaplasia. 3. Gastric ulcer: ulcer patients are prone to the phenomenon of local mucosal edema, in gastroscopy, the mucosa of the reflectivity is strong, will also be found in the stomach white spots. White spots in the stomach, there are many other causes, it is recommended to consult a doctor in a timely manner, under the guidance of a professional physician to carry out relevant tests to confirm the diagnosis.

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