Is it dangerous for children to drink coffee?

Drinking small amounts of coffee occasionally does not usually cause serious harm to the body, but if it is not consumed properly it may affect gastrointestinal function or cause children to sleep abnormally. It is usually not recommended for children to drink coffee. The main ingredient in coffee is caffeine, and when children drink too much coffee, it may cause gastric stimulation, such as affecting the secretion of gastric acid and gastric peristalsis, which may cause gastrointestinal spasms, and may also have a certain effect on the children’s appetite. In addition, caffeine belongs to a central nervous system excitatory substances, children drink before bedtime, especially after a large amount, may lead to excessive excitation of the cerebral centers, easy to cause adverse effects on the quality of sleep, children for a long time sleep deprivation, may affect the physical development. Therefore, parents try to avoid letting children drink coffee, can drink more warm water, more fresh fruits and vegetables, to ensure balanced nutrition, to avoid malnutrition. If you find that your child has abnormal physical symptoms, you should go to the hospital in time to consult a physician for guidance.

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