What are the symptoms of meridian blockage and ways to open the meridians?

Meridian blockage will appear localized pain, numbness, swelling and other symptoms, to open the meridians can take massage, cupping, gua sha and other methods of treatment. In Chinese medicine, it is said that if you don’t get through, it hurts, because the meridians are blocked and blocked, some parts of the body can’t get nutrient support, so it will produce pain, numbness and other symptoms, if the blockage is long due to the accumulation of pathological products such as stasis of blood, swelling and other symptoms will occur. In the treatment, through certain massage techniques, or acupuncture, cupping stimulation of blocked meridians on the corresponding acupuncture points, so as to achieve the role of dredging meridians. Or the use of gua sha method, in the blocked parts of the operation, can be through the pain (dredge meridians, relieve pain) effect. If the body appears meridian blockage syndrome, it is recommended to go to the regular hospital, by the Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment. The above operation should be carried out by professional doctors to avoid adverse consequences.

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