Can you get pregnant if you have intercourse three days before and after your period?

The day of ovulation is usually around the 14th day before the next menstrual period. However, for women with irregular menstruation, this method of calculating ovulation is not accurate and the woman’s ovulation date is not easy to determine. Under normal circumstances, sperm can survive for 3 days and egg can survive for 2 days after discharge, and even if it survives for a longer time, it will lose its ability to fertilize. Therefore, the 3 days before and after ovulation are the easier time to conceive, that is, the ovulation period. The 3 days before and after menstruation are the safe period, when intercourse is usually not pregnant, but it is not absolutely safe, but relatively speaking. It is recommended to use condoms for contraception, but in daily life, do not arrange intercourse during the 3 days before and after the menstrual period. Because of the relaxation of the cervix of women, sex at this time, easily lead to retrograde bacterial infection of the female reproductive system, thus causing endometritis, pelvic inflammatory disease and other gynecological inflammation, so it is best to avoid sex during this time.

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