What to do if your wisdom teeth keep hurting after extraction

Wisdom teeth that keep hurting after extraction may be due to post-extraction inflammatory reaction, jawbone trauma, dry socket, etc. Anti-inflammatory, surgery and scratching of the alveolar fossa may be required. 1. Inflammatory reaction: some complex wisdom teeth extraction process often requires flap and debridement, traumatic, postoperative obvious inflammatory reaction, manifested as wound pain. It is recommended that cephalosporin antibiotics plus nitroimidazole antibiotics anti-inflammatory treatment, such as cefotiam plus metronidazole, follow the doctor’s instructions to take medication, the need to prohibit alcohol during the period of medication. 2. Jawbone trauma: the violence of the extraction process can lead to jawbone trauma, such as fracture of the alveolar process, jawbone fracture, etc., resulting in pain after extraction, the former can be observed, and the latter requires surgical treatment. 3. Dry socket: usually occurs 2~3 days after wisdom tooth extraction, the wound blood clot shedding, manifested as severe pain, can be accompanied by obvious bad breath. Oral painkillers are ineffective, and it is necessary to thoroughly clean the alveolar fossa under local anesthesia and then re-coagulate the blood for treatment. Some complex wisdom teeth are more difficult to remove, it is recommended to go to a regular hospital stomatology department.

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