What is the erythrocyte distribution width cv17.2?

Erythrocyte distribution width CV 17.2% is slightly higher than the normal value, suggesting that the size and shape of red blood cells in the blood are not homogeneous, which may be related to iron deficiency anemia, megaloblastic anemia and so on. Erythrocyte distribution width, or CV, is an objective indicator reflecting the degree of homogeneity of red blood cell size, and its normal reference value range is 11.5%~14.5%, so when the CV of red blood cell distribution width is 17.2%, it is slightly higher than the normal reference value. When the red blood cell distribution width is high, it suggests that the size of red blood cells is not uniform, so any disease that causes uneven size of red blood cells may have a large red blood cell distribution width, such as iron deficiency anemia, hemolytic anemia, megaloblastic anemia and other diseases. When the human body red blood cell distribution width is abnormal, should consult a doctor in time, under the guidance of the doctor to clarify the cause of the disease, in order to actively treat.

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