Low pressure 100 high pressure 130 serious?

If the patient’s low pressure is 100 mmHg diastolic pressure and high pressure is 130 mmHg systolic pressure, then this situation is more serious and belongs to secondary hypertension, that is, moderate hypertension, for such patients, the first choice is to lower blood pressure with antihypertensive drugs such as priligy and sartan, the representative drugs are perindopril, fosinopril, telmisartan and crosartan, these drugs can These drugs can lower diastolic blood pressure better, and patients should also combine with lifestyle interventions to improve it on a regular basis. If elevated blood pressure is detected for the first time, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring should be performed, and in addition, it is necessary to identify whether the current hypertension is primary or secondary, because the treatment strategies used for different types of blood pressure may differ. After the primary disease is cured, there may be no need for antihypertensive drugs.

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