What are the effects of ginger

Ginger, with the effect of relieving surface cold (removing cold from the muscle surface), warming and stopping vomiting (treating vomiting caused by stomach cold by warming the spleen and stomach), resolving phlegm and relieving cough, and detoxifying fish and crab poison. It is used for wind-cold cold, cold stomach and vomiting, cold phlegm and cough, fish and crab poisoning. 1. Wind-cold cold: Ginger is pungent and warm, can sweat and expel wind and cold, but the effect is weak, so it is suitable for wind-cold cold and light evidence, can be decocted alone or with brown sugar, scallion white decoction. Ginger is usually used as an adjuvant for wind-cold flu, together with Gui Zhi, Qiang Wu and other pungent and warming medicines to promote sweating and relief of symptoms. 2. Vomiting with cold stomach: Ginger is pungent and warm, it can warm the stomach and disperse cold, harmonize with the middle and lower the rebelliousness, and it is good at stopping vomiting, and it is called “the holy medicine for vomiting”. Because it is a warm stomach products, so the stomach cold vomiting is most suitable, can be equipped with galangal, nutmeg, etc.; treatment of phlegm (water metabolism disorders in the formation of pathological products) vomiting, often with half-summers. 3. Lung cold cough: Ginger is pungent and warm, can warm the lungs to disperse cold, resolve phlegm and stop cough, suitable for lung cold cough, regardless of whether there is no external wind-cold, or phlegm and phlegm, can be used. It can be used to treat coughs with or without external wind-cold, or with little phlegm. It can be used to treat coughs without external evils (evils on the surface of the muscles) and with much phlegm, often with Chen Pi and other medicines; and it can be used to treat chronic coughs with honey and other products that replenish the deficiency and moisten the dryness. If you need to take this medicine, you should do so under the guidance of a doctor.

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