Is it normal to fart a lot on probiotics?

Taking probiotics to fart a lot is usually normal, and does not rule out a relationship with diet, disease and other factors. Such as eating gas-producing foods, enteritis, irritable bowel syndrome and other conditions, can also lead to increased farting.
1. Probiotics: Probiotics can improve intestinal digestion and absorption. Increased farting can occur during the period of taking them, and usually does not persist.
2. Dietary reasons: Consumption of gas-producing foods such as onions and radishes can lead to an increase in farting, and such foods can produce a large amount of hydrogen sulfide gas in the intestinal digestive process.
3. Disease causes: enteritis can be manifested as increased farting, but also abdominal pain, abdominal distension and other symptoms, bacterial enteritis can be combined with norfloxacin, levofloxacin and other drugs. Irritable bowel syndrome can also cause abnormal gastrointestinal dynamics, there can also be diarrhea, intestinal chirping and other symptoms, can be combined with pivotal ammonium bromide and other medications.
For the case of eating probiotics fart more, it is recommended to consult a doctor, improve the relevant laboratory tests, by the doctor to clarify whether the cause of probiotics.

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