Is Tonify Zhong Yi Qi Pill suitable for Yin or Yang deficiency?

There is no obvious yin and yang bias in Tonifying the Middle and Benefiting the Qi Pill, which is mainly used for diarrhea, prolapse of the anus, and yin ting (prolapsed uterus or even prolapse of the vaginal opening in women) caused by weakness of the spleen and stomach, and the sinking of the middle and lower qi (deficiency of the qi of the spleen and stomach and the appearance of the lowering of the internal organs and other manifestations). It has the effects of tonifying the middle and benefiting qi (treating qi deficiency by tonifying the spleen), and elevating yang and lifting the sunken organs (elevating and lifting the yang of the organism in order to lift the sunken organs). Tonify the middle and benefit the qi pill is used for diarrhea, prolapse of anus, yin jie due to weakness of spleen and stomach and sinking of middle qi, symptoms such as tiredness and fatigue, low food intake and abdominal bloating, loose stools (fecal matter thin and not shaped) and prolonged diarrhea, anus falling down or prolapse of anus, and uterine prolapse. Please do not use the medicine by yourself. If you feel unwell, please go to the hospital for consultation.

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