What does C-reactive protein 13 indicate?

C-reactive protein 13mg/L indicates that mild inflammation may be present in the organism. C-reactive protein is an acute time-phase reaction protein synthesized by the liver, which can appear soon when inflammation occurs, and is often used as an indicator of inflammation in the body, with a normal value of 0-10mg/L. Elevated values are commonly found in bacterial infections, septic infections, tissue necrosis, malignant tumors, connective tissue disease, and acute rejection of organ transplants. C-reactive protein value of 13mg / L suggests that the human body has an infection or other conditions exist, in the early stage of infection or mild injury, need to combine with personal symptoms, such as cough, cough sputum performance, may be lung infection; such as a history of trauma, may be a local tissue infection or necrosis; and improve the blood routine, blood sedimentation, procalcitonin, chest radiographs and other tests to further diagnosis. When C-reactive protein is found to be elevated, you should go to the hospital in time to find out the cause of the disease and timely treatment under the guidance of a professional doctor, so as to avoid delaying the condition.

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