Will your period come while you’re taking Patchouli and progesterone?

The generic name of Tonic Jiale is Estradiol Valerate Tablets, during taking Estradiol Valerate Tablets and Progesterone usually will not have menstruation, and will have menstruation only after 3-7 days after stopping the medication, a small number of women due to the ovarian endocrine function is not normal or omission of the medication, they may have menstruation during the medication period. Estradiol valerate and progesterone are generally drugs for establishing artificial cycle, its main function is to simulate the endocrine changes of the ovaries in the natural menstrual cycle, and the sequential application of estrogen and progesterone makes the endometrium undergo corresponding changes, causing cyclic shedding, and menstruation will usually come about 3 to 7 days after discontinuing the drugs. During the period of medication, because the endometrium is maintained by a sufficient amount of hormones, disintegration and shedding will not occur, and therefore menstruation will not normally occur. After both medications are discontinued at the same time, the endometrium loses its hormonal support, and then shedding will occur, and menstruation will occur. Some women, due to their own endocrine instability, hormone levels fluctuate, and even with exogenous stable supplementation of estrogen and progesterone, hormone levels in the blood are not constant, and they may menstruate during the period of medication. If the bleeding is heavy, patients are advised to stop taking the medication temporarily to allow the patient to have a menstrual period and wait until the 5th day of menstruation to start the next round of medication. Vaginal bleeding may also occur if there is a missed dose while taking Estradiol Valerate Tablets and Progesterone. Estradiol Valerate Tablets and Progesterone are hormonal preparations and should not be taken on your own as they need to be checked and used according to your doctor’s advice. If menstruation occurs during the use of estradiol valerate tablets and progesterone, you should seek medical advice from a doctor.

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