What to do if your liver function has a low white globule ratio and high globulin?

A low albumin/globulin ratio and a high globulin ratio may be caused by acute or chronic infectious diseases or immune system disorders, etc. It is necessary to combine with other tests to identify the cause of the disease, to treat the cause of the disease, and to review liver function regularly. Albumin, globulin and albumin-globulin ratio are commonly used indicators in liver function tests. Albumin to globulin ratio is the ratio of albumin to globulin, and the normal value is usually between 1.5 and 2.5. When albumin decreases or globulin increases, it can lead to a low white globule ratio. A low white globule ratio caused by a decrease in albumin is usually indicative of more severe liver impairment. If the albumin level is normal and the globulin is high, it is important to check for acute and chronic infectious diseases such as respiratory infections, hepatitis, gastrointestinal inflammation, systemic lupus erythematosus, and rheumatoid rheumatoid disease in conjunction with other tests. These diseases may cause high globulin, find the cause of the disease in time to carry out appropriate treatment. In conclusion, low albumin ratio of liver function and high globulin are mainly caused by high globulin, firstly, we should pay attention to exclude the existence of bacterial or viral infectious diseases, and carry out anti-infectious treatment. In addition, immune system diseases can also cause high globulin, and systematic immunotherapy is needed. Please follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment and medication, and check liver function regularly.

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