What are the possible diseases of babies with fever?

The baby’s resistance decreases after the age of half a year, and one day the mommy suddenly finds that the baby has a fever, which can be anxious mommy. If the fever lasts too long and the body temperature is too high, it can cause protein, fat, vitamin depletion and organism metabolism disorders in the baby’s body, and the function of the organs is damaged. In fact, babies of this age are susceptible to acute infectious diseases if they are exposed to disease-causing viruses. If the fever subsides and a small rash develops on the body, then your baby may be suffering from early childhood emergency rash. Three degrees of fever Low fever: refers to a body temperature of 37.5℃-38.4℃ High fever: refers to a body temperature of 38.5℃-40.4℃ Super high fever: a body temperature of 40.5℃ or more Viral infections: account for more than 90%, commonly influenza, rubella, measles, chicken pox, etc. What diseases may be associated with fever? Upper respiratory tract infection Bacterial infection: less than 10%, mostly secondary to viral infections, commonly with diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, etc. Lower respiratory tract infections Bronchitis, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasis, etc. When the baby’s temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees for a long time, you can take safe and effective antipyretic drugs, such as Tylenol or Merlin. Emergency rash is a self-limiting disease, also known as infantile roseola, which is an acute infectious disease of infants and children caused by human herpes virus type 6, after which the disease can acquire a more consolidated immunity, and re-emergence is relatively rare. The rash will appear after the baby’s fever has gone down and is not specifically different from acute upper respiratory tract infection until the rash appears. What is acute upper respiratory tract infection Acute upper respiratory tract infection is usually an acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose, pharynx, tonsils, and larynx, more than 90% of which is caused by a virus, which is followed by a bacterial infection. Symptoms of acute upper respiratory tract infection 1, only nasal symptoms, such as runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, etc., but also can have tears, light cough or throat discomfort, can be within 3-4 days of natural healing; 2, the infection involves the nasopharynx, often fever, sore throat, tonsillitis and posterior pharyngeal wall lymph tissue congestion and hyperplasia, sometimes the lymph nodes can be mildly enlarged; 3, baby fever lasts 2-3 days or even about a week, the temperature can reach 4.Baby sometimes has febrile convulsions, and may have poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, mild diarrhea or constipation when fever is present. What will happen if not treated in time? 1, most likely to complicate bronchitis and pneumonia; 2, may also complicate sinusitis, acute conjunctivitis, stomatitis, laryngitis, otitis media, cervical lymphadenitis, posterior pharyngeal wall abscess, peri-tonsillar abscess, maxillary osteomyelitis, etc.; 3, if the infection spreads throughout the body through blood circulation, bacterial infection complicating sepsis may easily cause subcutaneous abscess, peritonitis, arthritis, meningitis, urinary tract infection, etc. The relationship with acute childhood rash is a type of upper respiratory tract infection and a viral infection. The characteristics of the early childhood emergency rash 1, mostly seen in babies aged 6-18 months, may be sick all year round; 2, the baby suddenly fever, fever can reach 39 degrees or more; 3, the fever usually lasts 3-4 days, followed by a sudden return to normal temperature; 4, when the fever is reduced or a few hours to 1-2 days after the fever is reduced, the baby’s whole body rose-colored maculopapular rash; 5, the rash usually appears first in the neck and trunk, soon spread to The rash usually appears first on the neck and trunk, and soon spreads to the whole body, and more on the waist and buttocks; 6. 1-2 days after the rash recedes, the baby’s skin has no traces and does not peel off; 7. The rash is mainly cared for when it appears, and is cured after it recedes, and the whole course of the disease is about 8-10 days. The first stage: the same as the acute upper respiratory tract infection The second stage: about 4 days after the onset of the baby 1, the appearance of small, clear red spot-like rash, mostly on the head and trunk, can last about 4 days; 2, the body temperature quickly returned to normal; 3, immune deficient baby may occur hepatitis or pneumonia and other complications. The rash is contagious or not The rash is contagious. It is an acute infectious disease caused by a virus and is usually spread by saliva carried out from the respiratory tract. If your baby has been in close contact with a sick baby and lacks immunity in your body, you may be contagious. For babies who are just half a year old, because the resistance is poor at this time, so if the baby has a high fever is most likely to be infected by external viruses, suffering from acute upper respiratory tract infections and toddler rash. What should mommy do? 1, when the baby has a high fever, first use a cold towel wet compress forehead or the whole head, every 10 minutes to change, if the baby does not like do not force; 2, give the baby to drink more water, vegetable soup, juice water, etc., is conducive to baby sweating, urination, to promote the discharge of toxins; 3, the baby rest room should be quiet, the air should also be fresh, small quilt do not cover too thick too much; 4, when the baby’s body temperature exceeds 39 degrees When the baby’s temperature exceeds 39 degrees, warm water can be used to wipe the baby’s body, which can control the baby’s febrile convulsions; 5, give the baby to eat semi-liquid or liquid food; 6, let the baby try not to go to outdoor activities, pay attention to isolation, to avoid cross-infection; 7, the room temperature of 26 ℃ is appropriate; indoor and outdoor temperature difference should not be too large, indoor than outdoor 3-5 ℃ is better; 8, to keep the baby’s skin clean and hygienic, found on the baby’s body with sweat stains, to wipe the baby in time clean to avoid catching a cold.

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