Can Kun Xian capsule cure urinary protein

Kun Xian capsule is a proprietary Chinese medicine, the instructions do not clearly indicate that there is a role in the treatment of abnormal urinary protein, the drug is aimed mainly at rheumatoid arthritis.
Kunxian capsule contains mainly Kunming mountain begonia, Epimedium, wolfberry, cuscuta and so on. The drug can play a clinical role in tonifying the kidney, eliminating wind and removing dampness, the treatment is mainly for rheumatism paralysis and kidney deficiency joint swelling and pain, flexion and extension, morning stiffness, joint pain, joint warmth and fear of cold, lumbar and knee soreness and weakness, pale tongue, white moss, fine pulse and other symptoms.
Rheumatoid arthritis belonging to the above pattern can be treated with Kun Xian capsule.
A small number of patients taking the drug may experience stomach discomfort, nausea, poor appetite (poor appetite), flatulence, stomach pain, constipation, skin rash and other adverse reactions. Occasionally, mild abnormalities of liver function and leukopenia have been seen in individual patients, and may also cause menstrual disorders in a few female patients and sperm reduction in men.
This product is contraindicated in pregnant women, lactating women or suffering from hepatic or renal insufficiency and severe systemic diseases, infants and young children in the growth and development period, adolescents and people of childbearing age who have the requirement of childbearing, suffering from bone marrow hematopoietic disorders, gastric and duodenal ulcers during the active stage, severe cardiac arrhythmia, severe anemia, low white blood cells and platelets.

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