How many days can you take Qing Yin Pills to see the effect

There is no definite conclusion as to how many days it takes for Qingyin Pills to work, and it needs to be determined based on the patient’s physical condition as well as the patient’s medical condition and other factors. Due to the different causes and duration of the disease, it is difficult to determine how many days it will take to see the effects of Qingyin Pills. If the symptoms are not relieved after taking the medicine, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time. Qingyin Pill is a traditional Chinese medicine, which is composed of chebulin, licorice and smallpox pollen. It has the effect of clearing heat and relieving pharynx, in addition to the effect of generating fluids and moisturizing dryness. Therefore, it can be used for the treatment of lung-heat and fluid deficiencies and throat disadvantages, as well as hoarseness and loss of voice and other related conditions. The adverse reactions and contraindications of Qing Yin Wan are not clear. Precautions include avoiding spicy food, chronic diseases should be taken under the guidance of a physician, hoarseness and loss of voice should be timely consultation. Before taking this medicine, you need to be guided by a doctor for identification, and you can’t take the medicine on your own, so as not to cause adverse consequences to the body.

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