Is it normal to have a temperature of 36 degrees 9 after surgery for a perforated stomach?

A body temperature of 36.9°C after gastric perforation surgery is normal. A normal person’s axillary body temperature is between 36 and 37°C. Only if the temperature exceeds 37.3°C is it considered a fever. A body temperature of 36.9°C measured after gastric perforation surgery is a normal temperature and there is no fever. After gastric perforation surgery, there are still some necrotic tissues or bruises in the body that will be absorbed in a short period of time, which can lead to a little increase in body temperature, so postoperative patients need to measure their body temperature regularly to detect an increase in body temperature in a timely manner. If the body temperature exceeds 37.3℃, physical cooling should be chosen, such as wiping the skin with a warm towel and applying a cooling patch on the forehead. For patients with gastric perforation, they should get out of bed appropriately in the early postoperative period to promote the recovery of gastrointestinal function and avoid intestinal adhesion. After the operation, you can eat only after anal exhaust, and you can have a liquid diet in the early stage and slowly replace it with semi-liquid or normal diet. Pay attention to small meals, avoid spicy and stimulating food. For patients with gastric perforation, more attention should be paid after surgery to avoid elevated body temperature.

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