How far is marriage and childbirth from epilepsy?

  The following aspects of marriage and childbirth should be noted in epilepsy patients: (a) Marriage and childbirth when the disease is better controlled. Marriage and childbirth should not be considered when seizures are frequent and the condition is severe. Seizures can lead to generalized hypoxia, which further affects fetal hypoxia and makes the normal development of the fetus affected. In addition, the antiepileptic drugs taken by the patient during active epilepsy have strong toxic side effects, which may lead to fetal underdevelopment and fetal malformation.  (ii) It is better not to find any more epileptic patients, or patients with congenital diseases as spouses. Otherwise, their children are more influenced by genetic factors and have a significantly higher incidence of epilepsy.  (3) Women who are taking antiepileptic drugs should not breastfeed. Babies are slow to excrete drugs and are more vulnerable. Eating breast milk containing antiepileptic drugs can be very harmful.  (d) Adverse emotions can trigger epilepsy and are very detrimental to the stability of the condition when the patient is under a lot of physical and psychological stress. It is even more important for patients with epilepsy to regulate their emotions during pregnancy, and it is very important to get timely professional guidance from a doctor when they encounter difficulties or questions.  Of course, if the epilepsy is completely cured before marriage, it will ensure that life after marriage is free from epilepsy.  In fact, a beautiful and harmonious post-marital life will regulate all aspects of the patient’s bodily functions and mental state and help to alleviate the condition. The key is to acquire knowledge of epilepsy and make scientific arrangements for the timing of marriage and childbirth.

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