Contraindications of drinking prickly pear in water

Prickly pear drink water contraindication, mainly for patients with digestive tract diseases can not eat, like the usual patients appear cold pain in the stomach, get warm or pressed after the stomach can appear better, then is the usual spleen and stomach cold, food is not digested, cold around the patient, such patients do not eat prickly pear, otherwise it will lead to aggravation, some diarrhea aggravation. Clinically there are some patients, do not eat prickly pear, mostly seen in the weak patients, especially the bedridden elderly, their own gastrointestinal function is poor, after eating prickly pear, will make the patient diarrhea symptoms aggravated, there is a serious risk of lowering blood pressure. Clinically prickly pear has very great health care effect, and also can be anti-tumor, best under the guidance of the doctor reasonable application.

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