What to do about severe folliculitis on the head

Severe folliculitis on the head, should remove the causative factors to do general treatment, or with antifungal drug therapy, according to the development of the disease, do incision and drainage and other surgical treatment.
1. General treatment: the occurrence of this disease is mostly due to the scalp suffered friction, pulling or scratching, caused by Staphylococcus aureus and other pathogenic bacteria infections, when their own immunity is low, the pathogenic bacteria take advantage of the opportunity to invade the hair follicles, causing inflammation. All pathogenic factors should be removed, keep the scalp dry and clean, avoid friction, extrusion of the scalp or scalp trauma.
2. Medication: If there is a fungal infection, it should be treated with antifungal drugs such as terbinafine cream and ketoconazole cream. If the bacterial infection is caused, use mupirocin ointment, ichthyol ointment and other drugs according to the situation, do sterilization and anti-inflammatory. When the inflammation is too obvious, it should be treated with oral cephalosporin antibiotics.
3. Surgical treatment: for the formation of abscesses on the scalp, can be timely surgical incision and drainage, removal and timely implantation surgery, for local baldness, can do autologous hair transplantation to improve the appearance.
All of the above medications should be used under the guidance of a doctor, avoid self-medication. The same disease, the patient’s physical condition is different, different stages of the disease, the treatment method is different, should be standardized treatment under the guidance of the doctor, do not unauthorized use of drugs.

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