Benefits and disadvantages of eating chicken gizzards

The usual benefit of eating chicken gizzards in moderation is to replenish the body with protein and other nutrients to maintain physiological functions. If eaten in excess, it is prone to diseases such as indigestion. Chicken gizzard is a common food with certain nutritional value. From a nutritional point of view, chicken gizzard contains 73.1% water, 19.2% protein, 2.8% fat, 4% carbohydrates, 36μg vitamin A, 272mg potassium and other ingredients, and about 100g of gizzard contains 498KJ of energy, which can replenish the body with the nutrients it contains, and can also provide energy to maintain the Normal physiological function of the body. Therefore, eating chicken gizzards in moderation is beneficial to your health and usually does no harm. However, if you eat a lot of chicken gizzards for a long time, it is easy to cause indigestion, and the gizzard contains 174mg of cholesterol, high cholesterol patients need to limit the amount of food. To summarize, usually must control the intake of gizzards, reasonable combination of meals, to ensure a balanced intake of various nutrients.

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