Is it necessary to correct flared ear deformity in newborns?

Newborns with deformed ears, correction is necessary, the earlier the corrective treatment, the better the efficacy, and help to shorten the treatment time. Clinical findings in newborns with deformed ears are necessary to correct, early auricular cartilage plasticity, if early correction, can relieve the psychological pressure of the parents as soon as possible, but also to avoid the trauma of the child’s future surgery. The effective time frame for treatment is within 2 to 3 months of birth, with the prime time for treatment being within 1 week of birth. Mild malformations can be observed up to 7 days after birth, and if there is no recovery, early treatment is recommended. Those with severe deformities are advised not to wait, so as not to miss the golden time for orthopedic treatment. When a newborn presents with auricular deformity, it should be treated under the guidance of a doctor.

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