What should I do if my baby teeth fall out and are too small for my permanent teeth?

Milk teeth fall out of the position is too small permanent teeth can not grow can be regularly observed, adjust the way of eating, maintain oral hygiene, etc., specific can go to the hospital to check out, if necessary, intervention treatment. Compared with permanent teeth, milk teeth are smaller, normally the gap between the milk teeth will grow with the growth of the jawbone, the position will become larger, so you can wait patiently, there may be a premature loss of milk teeth, permanent teeth eruption gap is not enough. If the jawbone is underdeveloped, you can adjust the way of eating, do not cut the food into small pieces to eat, let the child gnaw the food, chewing force is conducive to stimulate the development of the jawbone, the jawbone normal development before the teeth growth space. Maintain oral hygiene to avoid bacterial infection in the mouth to affect the development of teeth. Teeth after the eruption of misalignment of the teeth can go to the stomatology timely intervention orthodontic treatment.

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