What’s wrong with the itchy pregnant tummy?

The itchy pregnancy stomach may be related to uterine enlargement, allergies, cholestasis, and so on. 1. Enlargement of the uterus: the uterus grows faster during a woman’s pregnancy, especially in the late stages of pregnancy, when it will pull excessively on the skin and stretch marks will appear, and there will be itchy skin during the development of stretch marks. 2. Allergy: If the pregnant woman is allergic, eating allergic food will appear tummy itch, may be accompanied by the whole body itch, in addition, if wearing allergic substances of clothing, or the stomach area in contact with allergic substances, will also cause tummy itch symptoms, usually accompanied by erythema, pimples and so on. 3. Cholestasis in pregnancy: If there is no clear reason for itching in late pregnancy, we should also be vigilant about the possibility of cholestasis, and recommend that you consult a doctor in time for a total bile acid test, so as not to delay the condition, which will have an impact on the fetus. If the pregnant woman’s stomach itching symptoms are serious, or the symptoms continue and do not get better, should go to the hospital in time for treatment.

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