What is the role of the pyriformis muscle

The role of the pyriformis muscle is: contraction, drive the hip joint to do abduction and extension, can make the pelvis tilt backward role; protect the sciatic nerve. 1. Adduction and posterior extension, posterior pelvic tilt: no matter where the muscle has a contraction, muscle contraction can drive the bone movement, and the muscle starting and ending points determine the direction and mode of movement. Pear-shaped muscle starts from the edge of the sacrum, stops at the greater trochanter of the femur, through the sciatic foramen magnum, so the pear-shaped muscle can drive the hip joint to do abduction and posterior extension, also can make the pelvis tilt back. 2. Protect the sciatic nerve: the lower edge of the pyriformis muscle has the sciatic nerve through, walking in the rear of the thigh, if the pyriformis muscle is damaged, there will be the posterior side of the thigh and buttock motor and sensory disorders. If the lower extremity radiating pain and other symptoms, it is recommended to go to the hospital in a timely manner, early formal treatment.

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