Can you get vaccinated against chickenpox at three years old?

Three years old can usually be vaccinated against chickenpox. If you have already had chickenpox, you do not need to be vaccinated again, or if you have symptoms such as fever or cough, it is not recommended to be vaccinated. Chickenpox is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by the herpes zoster virus, which can be transmitted through mother and child, air, droplets and other channels. There is no time limit for chickenpox vaccination, three-year-old children can generally be vaccinated, the chickenpox vaccination will take about 40 days to produce immunity, pay attention to do a good job of personal protection during this period. If the child has already had chickenpox before the age of three, the body can produce antibodies, there is no need to be vaccinated again. And if the body is in fever, cough and other conditions, also can not be vaccinated chickenpox vaccine, in order to avoid adverse reactions. After the chickenpox vaccination should be observed for 30 minutes without any abnormal phenomenon before leaving, if any adverse reaction occurs, need to consult the doctor in time, identify the cause, under the guidance of the doctor active treatment.

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