What to do with hard skin on the edges of your fingers

Hard skin on the edges of the fingers can be both a symptom caused by local friction and other physiological factors, and a symptom caused by chronic eczema and other diseases. The patient should be under the guidance of the doctor for general treatment, medication and so on. 1. Physiological factors: when the local repeated friction may lead to the symptoms of hard skin on the edge of the finger. Patients can reduce local friction and use moisturizing cream appropriately. 2. Chronic eczema: patients with chronic eczema can also have symptoms of hard skin on the edges of the fingers. Patients can use topical halometasone cream and other glucocorticoid drugs, can also be appropriate with the use of urea cream or salicylic acid and other drugs. The above drugs should be used under the guidance of a doctor, the patient should not be used on their own, so as not to delay the condition. Patients with hard skin on the edges of the fingers should go to the hospital in time, under the guidance of the doctor for treatment.

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