What’s wrong with the itchy pubic area?

Itching of the vulva is related to two diseases, the first one is vulvodynia and the second one is vaginitis. Vulvodynia, as the name implies, is an inflammation that is confined to the vulva. When examining the vulva, one can see redness, swelling, rashes, and sometimes scratch marks due to intense itching. The treatment of vulvodynia is mainly local medication, which can be done by washing the vulva with a lotion and then applying antibiotics to the affected area. Vaginitis can also cause itching of the perineum. Vaginitis is often accompanied by changes in the leucorrhoea, which varies depending on the causative organism, and in the case of mycosis fungoides, the leucorrhoea is heavily increased, white and tofu-like, and can be accompanied by severe itching of the vulva, which is aggravated at night. In trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginitis, the leukorrhea is usually yellow or yellow-green in color. You can find out which type of vaginitis you have by going to the hospital for a gynecological examination and a laboratory test of the secretions, and then choosing the right medicine according to the causative organism.

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