How can primary hypertension be normalized?

Primary hypertension can be normalized by improving lifestyle, eating a light diet, exercising regularly and taking antihypertensive drugs as prescribed by the doctor. 1. Improve lifestyle habits: Ensure sufficient sleep, do not stay up late, do not smoke or drink. 2. Light diet: In addition to a low-salt, low-fat, high-potassium diet, we should also ensure that there are enough kinds of food, enough fruits and vegetables, and a variety of food to formulate a nutritionally balanced diet. 3. Regular exercise: at least three times a week of moderate intensity exercise, such as jogging, etc., each time to reach 40 minutes, which can achieve an optimal state. 4. Take antihypertensive medication as prescribed by the doctor: only through active cooperation with the treatment can we achieve a good state, take antihypertensive medication on time and according to the dosage under the advice of the doctor and learn to self-monitor the blood pressure. It is recommended to standardize blood pressure lowering under the guidance of professional physicians.

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