How to tell when your baby is choking on the airway

Determining whether a child has a foreign body choking on the trachea is done in the following ways. First, there is no history of foreign body choking into the trachea, children choking into the trachea will often have a history of inhalation of foreign bodies such as drinking milk or eating melon seeds or peanuts, causing children to have a violent cough. Secondly, from the symptom analysis, children with foreign body choking into the trachea will cause repeated coughing, coughing time is often longer, most will last for more than 1 month. Secondly, it can cause the symptoms of infection in children. Choking on a foreign body into the trachea can cause local inflammation and secondary infection, resulting in cough, sputum and even fever. In addition, fiberoptic bronchoscopy can be done to confirm the diagnosis. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy can clarify whether the child has a foreign body choking into the trachea, and the foreign body can be removed under the fiberoptic bronchoscope.

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