What is the effect of protein powder

Protein powder, as a healthcare product, has the effect of helping the organism to replenish proteins, maintaining the normal physiological function of the organism, and helping to enhance immunity. It is generally applicable to people with malnutrition and low immunity. It is not recommended for routine use by people other than the applicable groups. Protein powder as a health product does not have the effect of treating diseases. Protein powder is a kind of powder made from soy protein, whey protein and other extracts, and its main purpose is to help supplement protein, which is a kind of health care product. Protein powder is a nutritious food supplement for specific groups of people, which can provide essential nutrients for young children, the elderly, athletic people, pre- and post-operative patients and weight loss people. However, excessive intake of protein powder is not recommended, and it should be used correctly according to the instructions. Excessive intake can lead to increased burden on the kidneys and cause digestive discomfort and other symptoms. Those who are allergic to milk, soy and other raw materials should not consume protein powder.

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