How to do after climbing calf stomach pain

The pain in the calf stomach after climbing is mainly due to the accumulation of lactic acid in the calf stomach caused by a lot of exercise, which leads to pain in the calf stomach. The way to relieve the pain is as follows: 1, hot compress, you can give towel hot compress or Chinese medicine fumigation at the calf to promote the absorption of lactic acid at the calf stomach. You can also give a hot bath to relieve muscle pain at the same time. 2, hydration, after exercise, you need to replenish water or light salt water, to ensure that the body electrolyte level balance, so that the body muscles can get enough rest. 3, massage, you can give blood circulation herbs or essential oils evenly coated calf stomach, and then repeatedly knead, knead and other massage massage calf stomach to relieve pain. 4, adequate rest, calf belly pain. The calf stomach pain is not recommended to continue activities, need to get enough rest to avoid muscle strain after not getting rest.

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