The dangers of locking up the sun and fixing the sperm pills

The hazards of lock yang solid essence pill are not clear at present. Lock Yang Jie Jing Pills, consists of lock yang, cistanchiakis (steamed), baji tian (made), tonic acid (salt fried), cuscuta and so on. It has the effect of warming the kidney and fixing essence. It is used for treating lumbar and knee soreness (a feeling of soreness and weakness in the waist and knees), dizziness and tinnitus, spermatorrhea and premature ejaculation caused by deficiency of kidney yang (lack of yang energy in the kidneys). It should be noted that the adverse reactions and contraindications of Lock Yang Solid Essence Pill are currently unknown. Avoid indigestible food while taking Lock Yang Solid Essence Pill. During treatment, abstain from sexual intercourse. It should not be taken by patients with fever and cold. If medication is needed, it should be diagnosed by a doctor and follow the doctor’s instructions for standardized treatment.

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