A few conditions in which you can’t get the new crown vaccine

Contraindications to vaccination with New Crown include: fever, acute attacks of acute or chronic diseases, women during pregnancy, allergy to the vaccine or previous occurrence of severe allergy to the vaccine, and patients with severe neurological diseases. 1. People who are allergic to any of the active or inactive ingredients of the vaccine, or to substances used in the production process, or people who have been allergic to the same type of vaccine in the past. 2. Those who have previously experienced severe allergic reactions to vaccines (e.g. angioneurotic edema, acute allergic reaction, respiratory distress, etc.). 3. People with uncontrolled epilepsy and other serious neurological diseases are also contraindicated for vaccination with the New Crown vaccine. 4. Patients who are suffering from fever, acute illness or acute exacerbation of chronic diseases and uncontrolled severe chronic diseases. 5. Women during pregnancy. The above groups of people are prohibited from receiving the New Crown vaccine. It is recommended to go to the vaccination center and wait for the doctor’s assessment and consent before receiving the vaccine.

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