Menstrual blood smells very heavy why

The heavy menstrual blood odor may be caused by the bacterial action in the vagina after the menstrual blood flows out, or by the menstrual blood flowing onto the sanitary napkin through the action of bacteria on the sanitary napkin. Avoid excessive blood odor, check for vaginal dysbiosis, and avoid not changing sanitary napkins for a long time, or you should use clean, disinfected sanitary napkins. During menstruation, you should wash your vulva regularly to keep it clean and dry. If after doing so, the smell of blood is still heavy, it is possible that the menstrual blood is thicker, so you can drink more water to dilute the blood properly and observe to see if it will be relieved, and then there is the question of whether the amount of menstruation is too much. If there is too much menstruation, you can regulate your menstruation properly to avoid excessive menstruation leading to anemia. During menstruation, avoid overworking, avoid emotional excitement, and avoid eating raw and cold food.

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