What is the weakness of urination?

There are more reasons for weakness in urination, as follows: 1, weakness of bladder forceps contraction: the most common cause; 2, damage to the nerves supporting the bladder: clinically known as neurogenic bladder, which can also cause weakness in urination; 3, incompetent urinary channels: some of the weakness in urination because of incompetent urinary channels, such as prostatic hyperplasia due to urethral stricture, can cause weakness in urination; 4, diabetes: more common in the population. It can cause damage to the bladder nerve endings and bladder muscles, which can also cause weakness in urination, with a high incidence. Because of the high base of diabetic patients, it is more common to cause weakness in urination. In summary, the causes of weakness in urination are abnormalities in the passage, i.e. urethral strictures, or problems with the bladder forcing muscle itself, such as obstruction causing prostatic hyperplasia, obstruction causing muscle damage and nerve damage. There are also central nerve injuries, such as cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral thrombosis, and even herniated discs can cause central nervous system damage, which in turn can cause weakness in urination.

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