What ointment to use for hives

Urticaria can be rubbed glycerite solution, glucocorticoid ointment (hydrocortisone butyrate cream, etc.) to treat, if the symptoms or condition is more serious, need to cooperate with the oral antihistamine drugs, glucocorticoid drugs to joint treatment.
1. Glycerite solution: Glycerite solution has the effect of astringency and itch relief, urticaria patients can use glycerite lotion externally in the absence of skin breakage, but if there is a break in the skin, it can not be applied.
2. Glucocorticoid ointment: such as hydrocortisone butyrate cream, mometasone furoate cream. Glucocorticoid creams have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, which can relieve itching and control the condition.
3. If the condition is serious, you need to take oral loratadine tablets, levocetirizine tablets and other anti-allergic drugs, prednisone acetate tablets, betamethasone tablets and other glucocorticosteroid drugs to combine treatment.
Urticaria patients are advised to go to the hospital in a timely manner, under the guidance of the doctor to choose the appropriate drug treatment, do not self-medication.

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