Dizziness, blurred eyes, puffy eyes, is it kidney yang deficiency or kidney yin deficiency?

Dizziness, puffiness and swelling of the bags under the eyes may be caused by kidney yang deficiency, kidney yin deficiency or yin and yang deficiency, and should be judged according to other accompanying symptoms as well as the tongue and pulse. 1. Kidney yang deficiency causes dizziness, puffiness and swelling of the bags under the eyes, accompanied by coldness (cold body), cold limbs, coldness of the waist and knees, long and clear urine, urination, frequent urination, impotence, spermatorrhea, etc. The tongue and pulse show that the tongue is pale and fat, the moss is thin and white, and the pulse is sluggish and feeble, etc. The treatment should be warming and tonifying the kidney yang (warming and replenishing the kidneys). The treatment should be warming and tonifying the kidney yang (warming and supplementing the kidney yang), which can be treated with Right Angelica Pill and Jin Gui Kidney Qi Pill. 2. Kidney Yin deficiency causes dizziness, puffiness and swelling under the eyes, accompanied by symptoms such as heart-heat (heat in the hearts of the hands and feet, and self-consciousness of irritability and stuffiness in the heart and chest), hot flashes (bursts of heat), night sweating, etc. The tongue and pulse show redness, scanty moss, and a fine pulse (the pulse becomes narrower and finer, and its rate accelerates), etc. The treatment should be nourishing Yin and tonifying the Kidneys. For treatment, nourishing Yin and tonifying the Kidneys, Zuo Gui Wan and Liu Wei Di Huang Wan can be used. 3. If the above symptoms of Kidney-Yang deficiency and Kidney-Yin deficiency are mixed, it may also be Kidney-Yin-Yang deficiency, which can be treated with the above drugs. For symptoms such as dizziness, puffiness and swelling under the eyes, please consult a clinician and follow the doctor’s instructions.

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