Medicine and food of the same source of yam to strengthen the spleen to stop diarrhea and replenish Yin essence

Yam is a popular medicinal food with a sweet taste and calm nature, and it belongs to the lung, spleen and kidney meridians. Its main effects are to nourish the spleen and stop diarrhea, nourish the lung and calm the cough, strengthen the kidney and benefit the essence, and nourish the yin and stop thirst. The main scope of treatment is spleen deficiency diarrhea, swelling; lung deficiency cough and asthma, thirst; kidney deficiency urinary frequency, spermatorrhea, belt down; outside can treat carbuncles, scrofula, etc.. Yam is not only a tonic medicine, but also a common raw material for medicinal meals. Modern research shows that yam contains amino acids, proteins, polysaccharides, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins and other nutrients that are indispensable to the human body. Clinical experiments have proved that yam can enhance appetite, improve digestion, lower blood sugar, regulate the autonomic nerves and enhance physical fitness. Yam contains a large amount of mucin, which is a mixture of polysaccharide proteins with special health effects. It can prevent fat deposition on the cardiovascular, maintain the elasticity of blood vessels and prevent the premature occurrence of atherosclerosis; can reduce the accumulation of subcutaneous fat; can prevent the atrophy of connective tissue and prevent the occurrence of collagen diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and scleroderma. Nutritional meals 1, yam and mutton porridge: 200 grams of fresh yam, mutton, japonica rice 150 grams each. First, peel the yam and cut into small pieces, mutton to remove the tendons and cut the pieces, set aside. Put the japonica rice into the pot, add water and boil it, when the rice blooms, put down the lamb first, boil it for ten minutes, then put down the yam, cook until the soup is thick and fragrant; or add seasoning to eat it. This porridge is good for warming the Yang, nourishing the Yin and nourishing the blood, strengthening the spleen and kidneys, solidifying the effect of anti-aging, can be used as a dietary supplement for the deficiency of the spleen and kidneys, especially suitable for children, elderly people with physical weakness and weakness. 2, yam scrambled eggs: 250 grams of fresh yam, 2 eggs. Yam peeled and washed, sliced; eggs cracked, beaten well. Heat the oil in the pot at 70% heat, put life ginger, stirring until the aroma is large, the yam slices, stir-fried until soft, the yam to one side, the eggs into the other side, to be knotted, and then scrambled with yam, add salt and monosodium glutamate stir-fry a few times, ready to eat. This taste delicious, healthy spleen and appetite, can increase appetite. 3, yam cucumber porridge: 60 grams of Chinese yam, 150 grams of cucumber, 50 grams of glutinous rice. First of all, processing of Chinese yam into fine powder; cucumber washed and squeezed juice; glutinous rice with water to cook porridge, porridge will be ready, add yam powder, cucumber juice, stirring and boiling can be eaten. This product has the effect of nourishing the skin, suitable for beauty and fitness. Health experience formula 1, pearl two treasure porridge: raw yam, raw coix seeds 60 grams each, persimmon cream cake 24 grams. The above three flavors, first pounded yam, coix seeds into coarse slag, cooked until rotten, and then chopped persimmon cream cake, mixed into the dissolved, feel free to eat. This porridge strengthens the spleen and nourishes the lung, treating lung and spleen yin deficiency, lazy diet, deficiency cough, and treating all the evidence of yin deficiency. 2, six yuan detoxification soup: 30 grams of Chinese yam, 5 grams of ginseng, lotus seeds, coix seeds 20 grams each, gorgonians, poria 15 grams each. Put the above drugs into a pot, add 500 ml of water, decoct 200 ml, strain; add 500 ml of water again, decoct 200 ml. Mix the two liquids and take them in two doses. This formula can be used for chronic gastritis, gastric prolapse and those who are weak and do not think about eating. 3, yam soup: 15 grams each of yam, astragalus and rehmannia, 12 grams of farro, 10 grams of calamus. Decoction with water, twice a day. Can also expand the dosage of this formula proportional to discretion, the drugs dried, research for fine powder, refined honey for the pill, 8 grams each time, morning and evening on an empty stomach once, warm water delivery. This formula can nourish qi, nourish yin, calm the mind and educate the mind, and can be used for neurasthenia, mental weakness, insomnia and forgetfulness, shortness of breath and weakness.

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