Is it possible to recover from a blackened tooth root?

  The recovery of black roots depends on the cause of the condition, and in most cases, it can be recovered with treatment. In most cases, it can be recovered with treatment. In extreme cases, the tooth may need to be extracted.  Under normal circumstances, the roots cannot be seen with the naked eye because they are in the gums and alveolar bone, while a black root usually refers to a blackened cervical portion of the tooth, commonly caused by calculus, plaque or cervical decay. If it is caused by calculus and plaque, the patient can recover by removing the calculus or plaque through scaling. If it is caused by decay, filling treatment of the decayed surface is needed. There may also be necrosis of tooth nerve and pulp, which can be effectively improved through root canal treatment and full crown restoration.  In daily life, you should pay attention to the cleaning of teeth and regularly check and maintain the teeth, in addition, you should avoid the intake of more pigmented food, stay away from carbonated drinks and strong tea, tobacco and alcohol, etc.

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