Can a toothache cause a sore throat?

Whether toothache will cause sore throat is related to the specific situation, when deep cavity is produced in the crown of the tooth and the pulp is exposed in the cavity, it will not cause sore throat, but when acute periapical infection and tooth infection occur, the details are as follows: 1. deep cavity is produced in the crown of the tooth: when cold, hot, acid and sweet sensitivity occurs, it will not cause sore throat. 2. pulp is exposed in the cavity: when acute pulpitis occurs, it can 3.Acute periapical inflammation: When acute periapical inflammation occurs in upper and lower molars, a large amount of inflammatory secretion from the root of the tooth can spread to the parapharyngeal space and other tissue spaces, causing swelling and pain in the throat. 4.Tooth infection: When multiple teeth infection occurs in the molar area and alveolar abscess occurs, the large amount of pus and bacteria formed can cause Redness, swelling and pain in the mucous membrane of the throat, accompanied by an increase in body temperature, etc.

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