Do you need to induce labor for gestational diabetes?

Whether gestational diabetes mellitus need to induce labor needs to be judged in conjunction with the gestational week and maternal and fetal conditions. Pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus who do not need insulin treatment and have adequate glycemic control, if there are no maternal or pediatric complications, can wait until the expected date of labor under close monitoring to the expected date of labor is still not yet in labor, to rule out contraindications to vaginal delivery, can be considered to induce labor to terminate the pregnancy. Gestational diabetes mellitus pregnant women who need insulin treatment, if the blood glucose control is good and there are no maternal and child complications, under close monitoring of 39 weeks of pregnancy can be terminated, such as no imminent labor, can be considered to catalyze the birth; blood glucose control is not satisfactory or the emergence of maternal and child complications, should be promptly admitted to the hospital for observation, according to the condition of the decision to terminate the pregnancy actually, consider catalytic labor or cesarean section to terminate the pregnancy. Pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus are recommended to have reasonable dietary control during pregnancy, appropriate exercise, monitoring of blood glucose, and close regular obstetric examination.

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