What’s going on? I’ve had diarrhea all day.

A day of diarrhea can be caused by physiological reasons such as drinking too much milk and getting cold in the abdomen, or it can be caused by pathological reasons such as allergies and acute gastroenteritis.
1. Physiological factors: Drinking too much milk, and the body lacks the enzyme that breaks down lactose, resulting in a large amount of lactose in the body to gather, the occurrence of diarrhea for a day. It can also be caused by environmental factors such as cold abdomen, intestinal stimulation of peristalsis accelerated, may appear in the case of diarrhea for a day.
2. Allergy: Consumption of food that may cause allergy, such as seafood, can cause gastrointestinal stress, peristalsis accelerated, the situation of diarrhea for a day.
3. Acute gastroenteritis: unhygienic diet, a large number of bacteria and other microorganisms invade the gastrointestinal tract, stimulating the gastrointestinal tract to speed up the peristalsis, the situation of diarrhea for a day.
The cause of diarrhea can not be accurately determined by the day, but also need to be combined with the characteristics of the medical history, the results of the relevant tests to make an accurate judgment, it is recommended that the cause of the disease under the guidance of a doctor, and then targeted treatment or therapy.

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