What are some tips to stop hiccups

Physiologic hiccups can be relieved by trying to drink water, sneeze, inhale and hold your breath, and plug your ears. Disease-induced hiccups need to be treated for the primary cause, such as baclofen and chlorpromazine for persistent hiccups.
Hiccups are medically called eructation. There are various factors that lead to hiccups, and there are many corresponding treatments, so appropriate measures need to be taken according to the specific situation. Occasional, short-lived hiccups are usually physiological, and even if they are left untreated, they will stop on their own at intervals, or they can be relieved by drinking water, sneezing, and so on.
1. Drinking water method: hiccups can be effectively relieved by drinking warm water, because the diaphragm is above the stomach, drinking warm water can elevate the local temperature, relieve diaphragm spasm, so as to achieve the effect of hiccups. But note that the water temperature should not be too high to avoid scalding.
2. Sneezing method: use cotton wool and other fine items to gently touch the nasal cavity, prompting people to sneeze, chest and abdominal pressure reduction, diaphragmatic spasm to stop, so as to achieve the purpose of hiccups.
3. Inhale and hold your breath method: take a standing or sitting position to inhale deeply and quickly hold your breath, and then slowly exhale, repeat several times can also stop hiccups, but cardiorespiratory dysfunction should not be used.
4. Plugging the ears method: hiccups closed mouth, block the ears with the hand, increase the pressure in the ear, can inhibit hiccups. But do not force, so as to avoid excessive pressure in the ear damage to the ear structure.
Disease-induced hiccups, should promptly consult the doctor for the treatment of the primary disease, such as the use of baclofen, chlorpromazine, as prescribed by the doctor for the treatment of intractable hiccups.

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