What should I do if my child has a bad stomach and vomits?

Vomiting in a child with a bad stomach may be due to enteritis caused by unclean diet, which can present with fever, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms. It can be relieved by general treatment, medication and other methods. 1. General treatment: if the child vomits frequently and seriously need to suspend eating, when the symptoms are relieved can be appropriate to eat some liquid food, such as millet porridge, corn porridge and other food; strengthen the abdomen of the cold warmth, to avoid being cold, and at the same time, absolutely avoid letting the child eat some unclean food. 2. medication: dietary impurity caused by enteritis is mostly caused by bacterial infection, can be applied under the guidance of a physician cefixime particles and other antibacterial drugs, while appropriate to increase the probiotics and digestive drugs; child vomiting frequent and serious can be taken to intravenous drip rehydration therapy to correct dehydration and acid-base balance disorders. Children eat bad stomach vomiting, it is recommended to go to the hospital in a timely manner, by the physician according to the child’s condition for treatment, they can not randomly use drugs.

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