What happens when you take mifepristone in the fourth month of pregnancy

Taking mifepristone in the fourth month of pregnancy may lead to miscarriage or fetal malformation, etc. It needs to be analyzed specifically.
Mifepristone is an antiprogestational hormone drug, which is a contraindicated drug for pregnant women, and taking mifepristone is most likely to lead to miscarriage. After taking mifepristone in the fourth month of pregnancy, it will affect the stability of the fetus in the body, and if no miscarriage occurs it may lead to fetal deformities, structural abnormalities and other conditions.
Mifepristone in the use of the fetus in addition to the impact, there may be nausea, vomiting and other gastrointestinal adverse reactions, allergies to this drug as well as severe hepatic and renal insufficiency can not be used, the use of the use of attention to women who are already pregnant can not be eaten.
Therefore, after taking mifepristone in the fourth month of pregnancy, you should go to the hospital in time to have a relevant examination, so as not to affect the physical condition of the fetus. The drug should be used under the guidance of a doctor and avoid unauthorized use.

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