Can you eat before hemorrhoid surgery?

Whether or not you can eat before hemorrhoid surgery needs to be judged according to the way the patient chooses to be anesthetized; when the patient chooses lumbar anesthesia surgery, eating and drinking are prohibited for 6 hours before the surgery, and if it’s a local anesthesia surgery, you can eat and drink normally. Hemorrhoid patients choose lumbar anesthesia surgery, the use of sacral tube, general anesthesia, fasting before the operation, water, the purpose is to prevent the stomach food reflux into the trachea, resulting in patients with pneumonia or choking. Since local anesthesia surgery is performed on the patient’s perianal area, the effect on the gastrointestinal tract is almost minimal, so you can eat appropriately. Hemorrhoid surgery patients also need to quit smoking, quit drinking, do not eat spicy and stimulating food, adjust the mind, to avoid nervousness and anxiety, to ensure adequate rest, if there are abnormalities before the operation to seek medical attention in a timely manner.

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