What’s wrong with the knee pain that says the bone is fine?

The knee pain radiographs say that the bones are fine, the possible situation is the knee muscle injury, meniscus injury, ligament injury around the knee, and so on. 1. Muscle injury: knee muscle injury will occur when the pain, such as due to falls, bumps and other reasons for muscle injury, local redness, swelling and pain, this bone is fine, it is recommended to rest, less walking, can use safflower oil and other blood circulation and blood stasis medication, but need to be used under the guidance of a doctor. 2. Meniscus injury: due to age, trauma and other causes of meniscus injury, there will be pain when walking, there will be localized swelling, can be repaired through surgical means. 3. Ligament injury: due to the wrong way of exercise or collision caused by ligament strain, which will also be painful, if necessary, can be surgical treatment. So the knee pain in addition to film also need to improve such as MRI and other tests to clarify the diagnosis, but must be carried out in a regular hospital.

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