Do you need to take targeted drugs for stage 1a2 lung cancer?

Lung cancer stage 1a2 does not need to take targeted drugs. Lung cancer stage 1a2 belongs to early stage lung cancer without lymph node metastasis, these patients undergo surgical resection with high cure rate and do not need targeted therapy. Surgical treatment for stage 1a2 lung cancer is the best means, and postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy, targeted therapy and other treatments can not improve the prognosis, but only increase the adverse effects of treatment and the cost of patients. Because stage 1a2 lung cancer also has a certain probability of recurrence and metastasis, it is especially important to carry out on-time review after treatment, and early detection and early treatment can achieve better curative effect. Lung cancer stage 1a2 lung cancer often has inconspicuous symptoms, which makes the diagnosis difficult, and with risk factors, the lesions can be found through screening.

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